It snowed! In Bordeaux!
I was told by many a french person that either 1. It wouldn't happen, or 2. If it happens it won't stay long- and boy were they wrong.
Early one morning I awoke to a white wonderland; the city had changed overnight into a magical (and beautiful) new world.
My California friends and I couldn't get enough of it, we made snow angels and had snowball fights and took wayyy too many photos. We figured this novelty wouldn't last, that all too soon the snow would melt away. But it didn't- oh it didn't. Instead, I was lucky (?) enough to experience a real winter, for a week in Bordeaux. Let me just start by saying: I never want to live in a place that snows.
Why, you may ask? Well because after the novelty has worn off (and people have begun to walk all over it), snow becomes hard packed ice with ugly black marks that stops all sorts of necessary daily activity- like making it to class without slipping everywhere.
Proof of lame snow action: the trams were not working |
I will, however against snow I am, admit that it was incredibly beautiful